Today the flashing arrived. I choose to use the 4 1/2 in roof jack stanions for my installation. I definitly wanted this set-up because this combination along with the roof flashing will make for a durable and leak proof roof penetration attachment. I do not want anything screwed into my roof without being properly flashed. Reguardless of what other claim, flashing is the best way to protect you roof. I like the fact that the panels will be at least 4 1/2 inches off of the roof for cooling purposes. I did not want the panels mounted near the roof surface due to the heat that can build up on our roofs that lowers the efficiency of the solar panel. The wire transfer of funds occured today. Hopefully the system will be shipped soon.
The photo's show basics of how I installed the roof flashing and fast jacks. I used a chaulk line to be sure all is straight and square. I was surprised of the quality of the fast jacks, all solid aluminum, with all stainless fasteners. My roof rafters are spaced 16 inches on center. I had attic acces to these as well. I started by drilling a small hole near the rafter through the roof and used this location to measure the remainder of the rafters every 16 inches. I only missed about 3 or 4 through the entire roof. Since all will be flashed, it did not matter that I missed those 4 rafters, although I did seal the holes with sealant.
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