Friday, December 11, 2009


This is a view of the wiring of the AC Disconnect. "Line" at the top. "Load" (to inverter) at bottom. Used #8 stranted copper.
System grounding is important. #6 Copper.
This is a photo of the wiring of the Sunny Boy DC disconnect.

Another view of DC disconnect.

Installation in process

Another good view of the AC disconnect.

I have now installed the Sunny Boy inverter and wired it per the manual. Both strings are attached appropriately to the DC cut off switch. All conduit is attached to the wall and secure. I also contacted and visited the Parish inspectors office and paid the fee for an inspection and electrical permit. The gentleman did arrive and examined the install and he had no issues with the work that was performed. He signed the permit and I asked him to go ahead and sign the forms that require his signature for the Entergy net metering application. He gladly performed the signatures needed and was courteous through out the entire inspection.

I have also contacted Entergy with the completed application and net metering agreement and faxed this to my assigned solar representative. Again, the Entergy representative was extremely helpful and accommodating. From what I understand, the Entergy representative is going to submit the application and technical data to the Entergy engineers for verification of grid tie compliance. Once this is done, a meter will be supplied by the Entergy technician and the net metering agreement will be signed. At that point I may commission the system. I am now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paul. I was just wondering about your AC Disconnect. The neutral from the inverter AC output is simply tied directly into the Mains AC Panel, right?
